
一大早, 牛收到來自 Yoshiaki-San 的電子郵件,
曾在 不寂寞の基隆河 介紹的 Yoshiaki Hirose 廣瀨義朗,
信件說, 在颱風過後, 他在岩床上找到了大約0.38g的小金塊.

Yoshiaki-San 要把它無償的寄到台灣送給牛..
可是Yoshiaki-San說他的塊金不大不重, 堅持無償寄送!!

標本來自 : 日本, 山梨縣, 身延町早川
Hayakawa river, Minobu-cho Yamanashi pref. Japan.

Thank you! Yoshiaki-San!!

Yoshiaki Hirose 廣瀨義朗 週末は砂金掘り師 砂金掘り日記

a gift come from Japan
do you remember my blog article Not Lonely KeeLung River ?
i have introduce Yoshiaki Hirose, a gold-digger come from Japan,
today morining i have got Yoshiaki-San mail. he mention,
“I picked up some golds(0.38g) on bed rock after past typhoon at last weekend.”
“Most Japanese placer golds shapes are like this(flattened).”
“I will send it if you want.”
“My gold is not so big and not so weigh,”
“so I will send you gold free of cost in this time.”
“Don’t never mind for exchange.”
Thank you! Yoshiaki-San!!

— 2009/10/26

今天下午收到東西囉~ 真的是來自遠方的一份心意~~ (樂)